42. An inspector who has reasonable cause to believe that an animal is exposed to conditions that cause it significant suffering may, in the performance of inspection duties, whether or not a seizure has been made, confiscate the animal so that it may be euthanized, if the inspector has obtained the authorization of the animal’s owner or custodian. Failing such authorization, the inspector may confiscate the animal so that it may be euthanized; the inspector must first obtain the opinion of a veterinary surgeon. If no veterinary surgeon is readily available and it is urgent to put an end to the animal’s suffering, the inspector may act.
The inspector may ask that a necropsy be performed after the confiscated animal is euthanized.
The inspector may also confiscate the carcass of any dead animal found on the premises to have it destroyed. A necropsy may be performed before the carcass is destroyed.