66. For the year 1985, the amount of the Maximum Yearly Insurable Earnings is $33,000.
For the year 1986 and each subsequent year, the amount of the Maximum Yearly Insurable Earnings is obtained by multiplying the Maximum for the year 1985 by the ratio between the sum of the average of weekly salaries and wages of the Industrial Composite in Québec as established by Statistics Canada for each of the 12 months preceding 1 July of the year preceding the year for which the amount of the Maximum Yearly Insurable Earnings is computed and the same sum for each of the 12 months preceding 1 July 1984.
The amount of the Maximum Yearly Insurable Earnings shall be rounded off to the next highest $500 and is applicable for one year from 1 January of each year.
For the application of this section, the Commission shall use the data furnished by Statistics Canada on 1 October of the year preceding that for which the amount of the Maximum Yearly Insurable Earnings is computed.
If, on 1 October of a year, the data furnished by Statistics Canada are incomplete, the Commission may use the data then available to establish the Maximum Yearly Insurable Earnings.
If Statistics Canada uses a new method to determine the average of weekly salaries and wages for a particular month by modifying the time basis or the content basis and if the sum of the average of weekly salaries and wages for a year in which Statistics Canada used a new method is more than 1% higher or lower than the sum of the average of weekly salaries and wages established according to the data of the former method, the averages of weekly salaries and wages to be used to establish the Yearly Average for each of the years affected by the change of method are adjusted by the Commission in such a way as to take into account the data gathered according to the method used by Statistics Canada on 19 August 1985.