139. The secretary-treasurer of the municipality, within thirty days of the passing of the by-law, shall give public notice thereof to the persons qualified to vote on the by-law and keep it posted up for at least five days; the notice must indicate(1) the number, title and object of the by-law and the date of its adoption by the council;
(2) where the by-law concerns one sector or zone of the municipality, to the exclusion of all or some other zones or sectors, the description and illustration by means of a sketch of the perimeter of such sector or zone, using, whenever possible, road names or numbers, as the case may be;
(3) the right of persons qualified to vote on the by-law to demand, at a public meeting called for that purpose, that the by-law be submitted to a poll, the number of such persons required in order that a poll be held and that, failing such number, the by-law will be deemed to have been approved by them;
(4) the place, date and time of the public meeting.