110.3.1. The council of the municipality may, from the fifth anniversary of the coming into force of the first planning program or of the latest revised planning program, as the case may be, revise the planning program in accordance with the process set out in sections 109.1 to 109.8, 109.9 and 110 to 110.3, adapted as required.
Where, however, to comply with the obligation under section 110.10.1 to adopt on the same day the by-law revising the planning program and the by-law that replaces the zoning or subdivision by-law, the council is required to readopt the by-law revising the planning program without amendment, sections 109.1 to 109.4 shall not apply to the readopted by-law.
Furthermore, where, pursuant to section 110.10.1, the council adopts on the same day the by-law revising the planning program and the by-law that replaces the zoning or subdivision by-law, the issue and transmission of the certificate of conformity under section 109.7 or 109.9 in respect of the by-law revising the planning program may not be effected as long as the issue and transmission under section 137.3 or 137.5 cannot be effected in respect of any other by-law so adopted on the same day. The issue and transmission are effected on the same day in respect of all the by-laws.