60. No person may operate a vehicle equipped with a rotating light or flashing lights except peace officers, trail security officers, trail maintenance personnel or persons performing safety-related duties. Rotating and flashing lights must be used in compliance with the following colour and other requirements:(1) a maintenance vehicle operated on a trail must be equipped with an amber rotating light or amber flashing lights that must remain on;
(2) the colour blue is reserved for rotating and flashing lights used on the vehicles of peace officers who are members of a police force or of the Sûreté du Québec;
(3) the colour red is reserved for ambulances and vehicles used by persons performing safety-related duties, the vehicles of trail security officers and the vehicles of other persons having the status of peace officer; and
(4) trail security officers and peace officers must not operate the rotating light or flashing lights of their vehicles except in the performance of their duties and if required by the circumstances.