39. From and after 1 June 1884, the sales, concessions and free grants of public lands are subject to a reserve, in full ownership in favour of the public domain of Québec, of sixty metres and three hundred and fifty thousandths in depth of the land bordering on the non-navigable rivers and lakes of Québec.
From 1 January 1970, the sales, concessions and free grants of public lands are subject to a reserve, in full ownership in favour of the public domain of Québec, of sixty metres and three hundred and fifty thousandths in depth of the lands bordering on all the rivers and all the lakes of Québec.
From 22 December 1977, the sales, concessions and free grants of public lands are subject to a reserve in full ownership in favour of the public domain of Québec, of sixty metres in depth of the lands bordering on all the rivers and all the lakes of Québec.
However, the Minister of Energy and Resources may reduce the depth of the reserve, or renounce thereto, or sell it, in the case of the sale of islands or lands of a small area or if he deems it in the public interest.
1969, c. 58, s. 83; 1977, c. 60, s. 13; 1979, c. 81, s. 20.