I declare under oath that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, and to the best of my knowledge and abilities, fulfil all the duties and exercise all the powers of a judge of the Court of Québec (or municipal judge or justice of the peace, as the case may be).
1988, c. 21, s. 65; 1999, c. 40, s. 324; 2004, c. 12, s. 18; 2023, c. 312023, c. 31, s. 3211.
I declare under oath that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, and to the best of my knowledge and abilities, fulfil all the duties and exercise all the powers of a judge of the Court of Québec (or justice of the peace, as the case may be).
1988, c. 21, s. 65; 1999, c. 40, s. 324; 2004, c. 12, s. 18.
I declare under oath that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, and to the best of my knowledge and abilities, fulfil all the duties and exercise all the powers of a judge of the Court of Québec.
I swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will faithfully, impartially and honestly, and to the best of my knowledge and abilities, fulfil all the duties and exercise all the powers of a judge of the Court of Québec.