10. The Société authorizes a person to be a driver when he or she files an admissible authorization application with it and complies with the following conditions:(1) the person has held a driver’s licence of an appropriate class in accordance with the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) and the regulations for at least 12 months, and was not under a sanction described in section 106.1 of that Code in the 12 months preceding the application or at the time the application was filed; (2) the person has completed training on safety, transportation of persons with disabilities, and the other subjects prescribed by regulation of the Minister and has done so in accordance with the conditions prescribed by that regulation;
(3) the person can understand, speak and read French;
(4) the person has passed an examination on the subject matters to be covered by the training, the conditions and content of which are established by regulation of the Minister;
(5) the person’s driver’s licence is not subject to the condition of driving a road vehicle mandatorily equipped with an alcohol ignition interlock device approved by the Société;
(6) no authorization granted to the person under this Act is suspended at the time the authorization application is filed or was cancelled, except at the person’s request in the five years preceding that time; and
(7) the person has no judicial record related to the aptitudes required and appropriate conduct to be a driver of an automobile for the purpose of offering passenger transportation.