66. The Government may make regulations(1) determining other forms of benefits in respect of which decisions may be influenced within the meaning of subparagraph 2 or 3 of the first paragraph of section 2 ;
(2) excluding persons, bodies or agencies or lobbying activities from the application of this Act or determining special conditions under which persons, bodies or agencies or lobbying activities are subject to its application ;
(3) prescribing media and modes for the transmission of returns and notices of change required for the registration of a lobbyist in the lobbyists registry or for the updating of the information entered in the registry, as well as forms to be used for the filing of returns and notices ;
(4) prescribing fees, which may vary according to the medium or mode of transmission used, for the filing of returns and notices of change in the lobbyists registry, as well as fees for the consultation of the registry on the registry premises or by remote access ;
(5) determining, according to the medium and mode of transmission used, the time at which the returns and notices of change required by this Act are considered received by the Lobbyists Registrar ;
(6) prescribing any additional information to be included in returns filed in the lobbyists registry ; and
(7) prescribing any other measure that is necessary for the carrying out of this Act.