The authorized person may also order that the vehicle not be moved if, as the case may be,(1) the driver or the person who has the care or control of the vehicle refuses the examination provided for in the first paragraph;
(2) the document mentioned in the first paragraph of section 350.68 is not displayed in the prescribed manner or in accordance with what is provided for in that paragraph, or, where the second paragraph of that section applies, the electronic platform or system did not allow the recipient to read the registration number;
(3) the driver has not signed the document mentioned in section 350.69, has not kept the original or a copy of the document in the vehicle or refuses to produce it in accordance with section 350.74;
(4) the driver refuses to display the report mentioned in section 350.70, to provide a copy of the report or send it in the manner provided for in that section, or to send the Minister the information referred to in section 350.70 in accordance with that section;
(5) the driver or the person who has the care or control of the vehicle refuses to produce identification in accordance with section 350.71;
(6) the driver produces or displays a document or report, required under any of sections 350.68 to 350.78, that contains inaccurate or incomplete information or sends the Minister such information under section 350.70; or
(7) the person has reasonable grounds to believe that an offence under section 350.78 is being or has been committed.