458.2. Where a person is a registrant at any time in a fiscal year of the person, the person shall notify the Minister of the first and last days of each of the fiscal quarters and fiscal months in the year in prescribed form containing prescribed information and filed with and as prescribed by the Minister on or before the day that is(1) where the person becomes a registrant in that fiscal year, the later of(a) the day the person files an application for registration or, where the person was required under section 410 or 410.1 to file that application, the day the person was so required to file that application, and
(b) the effective date of the registration; and
(2) in any other case, the first day of that fiscal year.
The first paragraph does not apply in cases where section 458.6 applies.
1994, c. 22, s. 617; 1995, c. 63, s. 466.