39. A first responder, on the exclusive assignment of the health communication centre, shall perform primary stabilization techniques on any person whose condition so requires, in accordance with the clinical intervention protocols determined for such purpose by the Minister and in keeping with the level of training recognized by the Minister.
Complementing the work of the ambulance technician, the first responder shall apply the protocols intended to prevent the condition of the person in distress from deteriorating and transfer the responsibility for emergency care to the ambulance technician upon the latter’s arrival at the scene.
In exceptional circumstances, such as geographic isolation, that prevent the establishment of the entire pre-hospital emergency services response chain, the agency concerned may, in the three-year pre-hospital emergency service organization plan it submits to the Minister, assign additional functions to a first responder service in relation to those assigned by this Act.
2002, c. 69, s. 39; 2005, c. 32, s. 297.