The Minister’s responsibilities shall include but are not limited to(1) defining the operational objectives and determining the standards of quality for pre-hospital emergency services ;
(2) approving the three-year priorities submitted by Corporation d’urgences-santé and those submitted by the regional boards as part of their three-year strategic service organization plans consistent with departmental policies ;
(3) determining, where the Minister considers it necessary, the level of qualification required of players in the organization of pre-hospital emergency services ;
(4) ensuring interministerial coordination as regards pre-hospital emergency services ;
(5) ensuring the inter-regional coordination of pre-hospital emergency services so that efficient and effective use is made of the available resources ;
(6) allocating the human, material and informational resources among the regions and Corporation d’urgences-santé in an equitable manner and seeing to it that the resources are used efficiently and effectively ;
(7) determining the rules for the financing of pre-hospital emergency services, allocating the available financial resources among the regional boards and Corporation d’urgences-santé in an equitable manner and overseeing budgetary and financial follow-up ;
(8) establishing and reviewing the national policies for the development and training of the workforce necessary to the organization of pre-hospital emergency services ;
(9) determining the rules for evaluating the outcomes achieved by pre-hospital emergency services, implementing accountability mechanisms enabling these outcomes to be measured, and overseeing the application and assessment of the resulting measures ;
(10) establishing and maintaining the national workforce registry in which ambulance technicians must be registered ;
(11) determining the policies and management standards for air ambulance transportation in cooperation with the relevant partners ; the Minister may assign all or part of the responsibility for the operation of such transportation and determine its financing ;
(12) determining the minimal content of the agreement entered into under section 38 which must provide for, among other things, the operating methods of first responder services, the standards of quality that must be met, the terms and conditions of financing, where applicable, and the terms and conditions of repayment of expenses considered to be eligible, accountability mechanisms and the cases, conditions and circumstances in which a party may terminate the agreement ;
(13) determining, in cooperation with the regional boards and the associations representing holders of ambulance service permits, the minimal content of a contract under section 9 and applicable to all such holders, which must provide for, among other things, the roles, obligations and responsibilities of each of the parties, accountability mechanisms and the performance standards to be met by permit holders, the reports permit holders must furnish and the penalties applicable to permit holders for breach or non-fulfilment of the responsibilities under the contract ; if the Minister is of the opinion that the minimal content of the contract cannot be so determined within a reasonable time, the Minister may determine it alone ; and
(14) fostering the involvement of the population as first responders within the framework of the organization of pre-hospital emergency services by promoting, in cooperation with the partners concerned, the role of first responder and its importance for persons in distress.