149.6. The Corporation comprises, in addition to its director general, the following ten members appointed by the Government:(1) one member appointed after consultation with the Communauté urbaine de Montréal from among the members of its council or managerial personnel;
(2) one member appointed after consultation with the city of Laval from among the members of its council or managerial personnel;
(3) one member appointed after consultation with groups representing users in the territory;
(4) one member appointed after consultation with the Association des hôpitaux du Québec from among the executive directors of the institutions operating the hospital centres of the territory;
(5) one member appointed after consultation with the Association des conseils des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens du Québec from among the coordinators of emergency rooms situated in facilities maintained by the institutions operating the hospital centres of the territory;
(6) one member designated by and from among physicians who practise in the medical emergency intervention service of the Corporation;
(7) one member designated by and from among the owners who have made a contract respecting ambulance services with the Corporation;
(8) three members designated by and from among the employees of the Corporation and representing ambulance technicians, nurses and other employees of the Corporation, respectively. Failing an agreement among those persons as regards the representative of their group, the Minister shall designate him of his own initiative.