99.7. In order to coordinate the services required in the territory of the local health and social services network, the local authority must(1) define and establish mechanisms for the reception, referral and follow-up of users of health and social services;
(2) introduce mechanisms or enter into agreements with different partners or producers of services, including institutions offering specialized and superspecialized services, physicians in the territory, community organizations, social economy enterprises and private resources;
(3) take in charge, accompany and support persons, especially those with particular and more complex needs, in order to provide, within the local health and social services network, the continuity of service required by their state of health; and,
(4) together with the agency, the regional department of general medicine and the regional panel of heads of departments of specialized medicine, create conditions that foster accessibility, continuity and networking of general medical services, focusing in particular on accessibility(a) to technical/diagnostic facilities for all physicians;
(b) to clinical information, including the results of diagnostic tests such as laboratory tests and medical imaging, drug profiles and record summaries; and
(c) to specialists by family physicians, when appropriate, with a view to the hierarchization of services.