204. Under the authority of the executive director, the director of professional services referred to in the first paragraph of section 202 must, in addition to the functions provided for in section 203,(1) direct, coordinate and supervise the activities of the clinical department heads which are provided for in section 189;
(2) obtain the opinion of the clinical department heads on the administrative and financial consequences of the activities of the physicians and dentists of the various clinical departments;
(3) apply the administrative sanctions provided for in the second paragraph of section 189 and inform thereof the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and the clinical department heads concerned;
(4) supervise the operation of the committees of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and ensure that the council monitors and assesses adequately the medical, dental and pharmaceutical acts performed in any centre operated by the institution;
(5) take all necessary steps to ensure that any examination, autopsy or expertise required under the Act respecting the determination of the causes and circumstances of death (chapter R-0.2) is carried out;
(6) carry out any other function provided for in the organization plan of the institution.