81.2.1. The following persons must be the subject of an investigation establishing that no impediment exists:(1) a permit applicant or a permit holder, in the case of a natural person;
(2) a director or a shareholder of a permit applicant or of a permit holder;
(3) a person of full age who works in a permit holder’s facility while childcare is being provided;
(4) a trainee or a volunteer who is of full age and who is regularly present in a permit holder’s facility while childcare is being provided;
(5) a person who regularly transports children on behalf of a permit holder;
(6) a person applying for recognition or who is recognized as a home educational childcare provider;
(7) a person of full age living in a private residence where childcare is, or is expected to be, provided by a person referred to in paragraph 6;
(8) a trainee or a volunteer who is of full age and who is regularly present in a residence where childcare is provided by a home educational childcare provider, as well as the latter’s assistant or occasional replacement;
(9) a staff member of a home educational childcare coordinating office whose function is to manage the office, to recognize or to monitor home educational childcare providers, or to provide technical and educational support to the home educational childcare providers recognized by that coordinating office; and
(10) a director of a home educational childcare coordinating office, where that coordinating office does not hold a childcare centre permit.