57.1. Educational childcare providers must keep an education record for each child to whom they provide childcare.
Among other things, education records include information concerning the child’s development, information allowing better early detection of any difficulties the child may encounter and information facilitating the child’s transition into the school system.
No information contained in the record may be communicated to a third party without the consent of the parent of the child concerned, except in the case of a home educational childcare coordinating office acting within the scope of its functions or an inspector authorized under section 72. The record is given to the parent when the childcare services are no longer required.
The Government determines, by regulation, the elements comprising the education record, the medium to be used and the standards for keeping, using, storing, reproducing and communicating the information it contains.
2017, c. 312017, c. 31, s. 111; 2022, c. 9, ss. 34 and 97.