54. The Government may, by regulation,(1) determine the matters that must be treated in the safety regulations of a sports federation or unaffiliated sports body;
(2) determine the form and tenor of a licence and the terms and conditions of its issuance;
(3) determine the conditions a person applying for a licence must fulfil, the information he must furnish, the duties he must pay, the terms and conditions of payment of the duties and of those contemplated in section 44.1, the time when they must be paid and the percentage of the gross receipts derived from a sports event or the amount on the basis of which the duties contemplated in the second paragraph of section 44.1 are established;
(4) determine the amount and nature of the deposit and of the liability-insurance policy to be provided by a person applying for a licence to operate a sports centre or a sports event organizer’s licence or who acts as an official at a sports event, according to the categories of sports centres or sports events it indicates;
(5) determine in which cases a licence may be cancelled or suspended and for what duration;
(5.1) determine in which cases a deposit may be confiscated and the use that is to be made of the deposit where such is the case;
(6) fix the tariff of fees for officials at the holding of a sport event, and specify the cases where only a person designated and remunerated by the board may be an official;
(7) determine to which documents the signature of the chairman or secretary of the board may be affixed by means of an automatic device;
(8) exclude from the application of this Act and the regulations, or of any provision thereof, certain categories or classes of persons, of Alpine ski centres, of sports centres or of sports.