S-2.4 - Act respecting civil protection to promote disaster resilience

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86. The representation or defence of a person referred to in section 84 at a coroner’s inquest or a fire investigation commissioner’s inquiry concerning the event during which the person intervened, or in proceedings before a court or body exercising adjudicative functions concerning an act performed or omitted by the person during such an event is assumed by the authority of which the person is deemed to be a subordinate.
Despite the first paragraph, the authority may make an agreement with the person for reimbursement of any reasonable costs incurred by the person or the person’s representative.
The authority is however relieved from that obligation where the authority itself is the plaintiff in the proceeding or where the person specifically consents to it in writing.
The authority may require the person to reimburse the costs the authority incurred or reimbursed where the act performed or omitted constitutes a gross or intentional fault or where the person is found guilty of a criminal offence and had no reasonable grounds to believe that their conduct was in compliance with the law.
2024, c. 18, s. 1.