106. Where, during an investigation, a public health director is of the opinion that there exists a real threat to the health of the population, the director may(1) order the closing of premises or give access thereto only to certain persons or subject to certain conditions, and cause a notice to be posted to that effect;
(2) order the evacuation of a building;
(3) order the disinfection, decontamination or cleaning of premises or of certain things and give clear instructions to that effect;
(4) order the destruction of an animal, plant or other thing in the manner the director indicates, or order that certain animals or plants be treated;
(5) order the cessation of an activity or the taking of special security measures if the activity presents a threat for the health of the population;
(6) order a person to refrain from being present for the time indicated by the public health director in an educational institution, work environment or other place of assembly if the person has not been immunized against a contagious disease an outbreak of which has been detected in that place;
(7) order the isolation of a person, for a period not exceeding 72 hours indicated by the public health director, if the person refuses to receive the treatment necessary to prevent contagion or if isolation is the only means to prevent the communication of a biological agent medically recognized as capable of seriously endangering the health of the population;
(8) order a person to comply with specific directives to prevent contagion or contamination;
(9) order any other measure the public health director considers necessary to prevent a threat to the health of the population from worsening or to decrease the effects of or eliminate such a threat.