212.1. Despite sections 209 and 212, where it is foreseen that activities on a construction site will occupy at least 100 construction workers simultaneously at a stage of the work or that the total cost of the work will exceed $12,000,000, one or more health and safety representatives, assigned full-time to a construction site, must be designated by all the representative associations.
The minimum number of health and safety representatives assigned full-time to a construction site is determined by regulation.
The costs related to the performance of the functions set out in section 210 are borne by the principal contractor.
The total cost of the work foreseen under the first paragraph is revalorized every five years, on 1 January of the year, according to the method provided for in sections 119 to 123 of the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (chapter A-3.001).
2021, c. 272021, c. 27, s. 2281.