It may, in particular,(1) assist in the formation and operation of health and safety committees and job-site committees;
(2) prepare and implement training and information programmes for health and safety committees and job-site committees;
(3) make recommendations relating to occupational health and safety standards and regulations;
(4) cooperate with the Commission and the heads of the community health departments in the preparation of records or studies on the health of workers and on the risks to which they are exposed;
(5) prepare specific prevention guides for the activities of establishments;
(6) give its opinion on the qualifications required of inspectors;
(7) adopt by-laws its internal management;
(8) acquire or lease moveable or immoveable property and the necessary equipment;
(9) make arrangements with private or public bodies for the use or exchange of premises, equipment or services;
(10) from among the members of its board of directors or by calling upon other persons, form such committees as it considers necessary for the pursuit of its objects and the conduct of its affairs, and define their functions;
(11) hire the necessary administrative and skilled personnel for the pursuit of its objects.