A territory included in the territory of Ville de Bécancour, comprising, with reference to the official cadastres for the parishes of Sainte-Angèle-de-Laval, Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité-de-Bécancour, Saint-Édouard-de-Gentilly and Sainte-Gertrude, the blocks, lots or parts of lots and their present and future subdivisions, and the roads, highways, island, watercourses or parts thereof, the whole comprised within the following limits, namely:
Starting from the northern corner of lot 879-6 of the cadastre for the parish of Saint-Édouard-de-Gentilly; thence, successively, the following lines and demarcations: the northeastern limit of lots 879-6, 879-2, 879-3, 879-4, 879-5 and 224 of the cadastre for the parish of Saint-Édouard-de-Gentilly to the northwestern line of the right of way of autoroute 30; the northwestern line of the right of way of autoroute 30 easterly to the centre of the Gentilly river; the centre of the Gentilly river to the centre of the southwestern branch of the Gentilly river; the centre of the southwestern branch of the Gentilly river to the southeastern limit of lot 98 of the cadastre for the parish of Sainte-Gertrude; thence, southwesterly along the centre of a stream to the southwestern limit of lot 365 of the cadastre for the parish of Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité-de-Bécancour; with reference to the latter cadastre, the southwestern limit of lots 365 and 353 and its extension across Louis Riel road to the northwestern line of the right of way of the said road; the northwestern line of the right of way of the said road to the southwestern limit of lot 200; the southwestern limit of lot 200 and its extension across de l’Église road to the northwestern line of the right of way of the said road; the northwestern line of the right of way of the said road to the extension of the southwestern limit of lot 145; the southwestern limit of lot 145 and its extension to the intersection of the extension of the northwestern limit of lot 531; the said extension and northwestern limit of lot 531 to the southwestern limit of lot 529; the southwestern limit of lot 529 of the said cadastre and the southwestern limit of lot 9 of the cadastre for the parish of Sainte-Angèle-de-Laval and its extension northwesterly to the centre of the St. Lawrence river; the centre of the St. Lawrence river northeasterly, passing north of block 2 of the cadastre for the parish of Saint-Édouard-de-Gentilly and continuing until the intersection of northwesterly extension of the southwestern limit of lot 280 of the latter cadastre; the extension of the southwestern limit of lot 280 to the intersection of the shore of the St. Lawrence river; finally, the shore of the St. Lawrence river southwesterly to the starting point.