22. (1) The Corporation may carry out all the works required for the implementation of any plan contemplated in section 21; it may also carry out on land which it owns or upon which it has a real right, situated outside the territory described in the schedule, all the works necessary for the installation of public services intended to serve such territory.Unless it involves an expenditure of less than $25 000, a contract for the carrying out of works or the supply of equipment or materials shall not be awarded except after a call for public tenders by advertisement in at least one daily newspaper.
(2) The delay for the receipt of tenders shall not be less than eight days.
(3) Tenders shall not be called for nor shall the contracts resulting therefrom be awarded except on one or the other of the following bases:(a) for a fixed price;
(b) at unit prices.
(4) All tenders must be opened publicly in the presence of at least two witnesses, on the day and at the hour and place mentioned in the call for tenders.
(5) All those who have tendered may be present at the opening of the tenders.
(6) The names of the tenderers and their respective prices must be mentioned aloud at the opening of the tenders.
(7) The Corporation shall not, without the previous authorization of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Technology, award the contract to any person except the one who made the lowest tender within the prescribed delay.