S-13.2 - Act respecting the La Grande Complex Remedial Works Corporation

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20. Until 1 January 1986 or, depending on which date is the later, until all the payments of La Société d’énergie de la Baie James hereinafter provided for the financing of the Corporation have been made, La Société d’énergie de la Baie James and the Cree Regional Authority may agree, by resolution of their respective boards, to the withdrawal of either of them from the board of directors of the Corporation and to its ceasing to appoint members thereto.
After the expiry of the delays provided for in the first paragraph, either of these bodies may withdraw from the board of directors of the Corporation, thus ceasing to appoint members thereto, by resolution of its board.
In that case, sections 11 to 19 cease to apply from the publication, in the Gazette officielle du Québec, of the resolutions hereinabove mentioned and all the members of the board of directors are appointed during pleasure by the body still represented.
1978, c. 95, s. 20.