2. (1) The functions of the Société are:(a) to administer the compensation plan for victims of bodily injuries provided for by the Automobile Insurance Act (chapter A-25);
(b) to administer the compensation plan for property damage prescribed in Title IV of the Automobile Insurance Act;
(c) to administer the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), in particular with respect to the registration of road vehicles, permits and licences, vehicle safety standards and obligations in case of an accident;
(d) to promote highway safety as regards the conduct of highway users as well as the safety standards respecting the vehicles used;
(e) to ensure the monitoring of and control over road transportation of persons and goods on highways and in undertakings, and in particular with respect to the application of — the provisions of the Highway Safety Code;
— the legislative or regulatory provisions pertaining to highway transportation which are under the responsibility of the departments and bodies designated by the Government, to the extent and on the conditions determined by agreement entered into pursuant to Title VIII.2 of the Highway Safety Code;
(f) to assume operational coordination in matters pertaining to the control of highway transportation between the departments and bodies concerned and to promote stricter highway control throughout Québec.
(2) For the purposes of subsection 1, the Société may(a) conduct studies on the means to promote rehabilitation;
(b) pay, to the extent provided for in the Automobile Insurance Act, for the applications for indemnity that may be filed with it under the said Act;
(c) recover the indemnities it is called upon to pay, where the Automobile Insurance Act or the Civil Code of Québec so authorizes;
(d) intervene in any action resulting from an accident caused by an automobile;
(e) transact or effect compromises;
(f) itself or through a person it designates, inquire into any matter within its jurisdiction; for such purposes, the Société and any person it designates have the powers and immunities of commissioners appointed under the Act respecting public inquiry commissions (chapter C-37), except the power to impose imprisonment;
(g) collect the duties, fees, insurance contributions and the contributions of motorists to public transit with respect to the registration of a vehicle;
(h) collect the duties, fees, and insurance contributions with respect to the issue of a permit.