70.2. The committee is responsible for(1) receiving for examination the reports on the actuarial valuation of the plan;
(2) approving the financial statements of the plan within 30 days after receiving the recommendation of the audit committee of Retraite Québec’s board of directors;
(2.1) receiving for examination Retraite Québec’s plan of action for the plan, and reporting on it to Retraite Québec;
(3) establishing, jointly with the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, an investment policy in respect of the funds derived from the contributions of the members and the municipalities paid under the plan ;
(4) appointing an independent actuary who will be responsible for reporting to the Minister on the validity of the assumptions on which the actuarial valuation of the plan is based ;
(5) proposing to the Minister terms and conditions in respect of transfers between the plan and other plans ;
(6) (paragraph repealed);
(7) advising the Minister and Retraite Québec, and submitting recommendations concerning the implementation of the plan ;
(8) designating the members of the review committee established under section 72.