R-22.1 - Act respecting health and social services information

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Not in force
146. A decision containing an error in writing or in calculation or any other clerical error may be rectified by the Commission or the member who rendered the decision. The same applies to a decision that, through obvious inadvertence, grants more than was requested or fails to rule on part of the application.
The rectification may be made on the Commission’s or the concerned member’s own initiative as long as execution of the decision has not begun. It may be made at any time on the motion of one of the parties, unless an appeal has been lodged.
The motion is addressed to the Commission and submitted to the member who rendered the decision. If the latter is no longer in office, is absent or is unable to act, the motion is submitted to the Commission.
If the rectification pertains to the operative part of the decision, the period for appealing or executing the rectified decision runs from the date of the rectification.
2023, c. 5, s. 146.