41.2. The constitution and by-laws of every association listed in subparagraph c or c.2 of the first paragraph of section 1 must, among other things, set out(1) the mode of calling meetings at which labour relations matters are to be discussed;
(2) that every employer belonging to the employers’ association who, during the period and according to the reports referred to in the second paragraph of section 44.1, has declared a number of hours as having been worked in the sector concerned has the right to participate in such meetings and in the ballots held under this Act and express his views freely without incurring any penalty;
(3) the type of majority required in such ballots and, where the sector-based association deems it appropriate, a method to determine, according to the number of hours declared as having been worked in the sector, the relative value of the vote cast by each member of the employers’ association participating in a ballot;
(4) that every officer entrusted with the financial management of the sector-based association must deposit with the Commission security in the amount determined by the Commission;
(5) that every member of the employers’ association who has the right to participate in the meetings of and ballots held by the sector-based association is entitled to obtain free of charge from the sector-based association, at the end of each fiscal year, a detailed statement of its income and expenditures.