97. To exercise its functions, the Régie may, in addition to the other powers conferred on it by this Act and the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan (chapter R-9),(1) provide information in the form of general or specific instructions regarding the administration of this Act;
(2) carry out inspections regarding the plans;
(3) prepare, or cause to be prepared, at the expense of the person who is required to furnish it, any document provided for in this Act or required by the Régie but not furnished in accordance with this Act or the requirements of the Régie;
(4) require from a plan administrator or an employer, on the conditions and within the time set by the Régie, any document or information it considers necessary for the purposes of this Act; and
(5) require from a plan administrator the payment of the costs established by regulation and related to an inspection or an inquiry regarding a plan.