41.4. From the introduction of an application for separation from bed and board, divorce or marriage annulment, for the dissolution or annulment of a civil union or for the payment of a compensatory allowance, the member or former member of the council and his or her spouse are entitled to obtain, upon application to Retraite Québec on the conditions and according to the terms prescribed by regulation, a statement setting out the value of the benefits accrued by the member or former member of the council under this plan, the value of such benefits for the period of the marriage or civil union and any other information determined by regulation.
The member or former member and his or her spouse are also entitled to receive a statement of benefits, upon an application in writing to the pension committee, for the purposes of a pre-hearing mediation concerning a family matter or of a joint procedure before a notary for the dissolution of their civil union. The statement shall contain the information determined by regulation.
1990, c. 5, s. 47; 2002, c. 6, s. 203; 2015, c. 20, s. 61.