25. The Crown in right of Québec retains the bare ownership of the Category IA lands. Category IB lands shall not be sold or ceded except to the Crown in right of Québec and this obligation constitutes a prohibition to sell or to cede other than to the Crown in right of Québec.
The local government may grant, to any person, servitudes, usufructuary rights and other rights of use and occupation and leases on Category I lands.
However, rights granted to non-beneficiaries on Category IA lands, for a term of more than five years, including their renewal, are subject to all provincial laws and regulations, in the same manner as if such lands were Category IB lands on the date such rights are granted.
The Cree beneficiaries have, at all times, the right to reside on the Category I lands of the community to which they belong, in accordance with the by-laws of the interested band or, as the case may be, the interested Cree village corporation.