9. For the purposes of this plan, participation in a pension plan continues as long as the employee remains a member of the plan. However, for the purposes of eligibility for and computation of benefits under this plan, the participation of an employee who ceases to be a member of this plan for any period during which the employee does not hold pensionable employment, is deemed to have ceased,(1) if the employee is not eligible for a pension, on the last day the employee held pensionable employment or, where applicable, on the date the Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d’assurances received an application for redemption pursuant to which years and parts of a year of service were credited or counted under the plan or in respect of which such years and parts of a year of service were counted for the purpose of acquiring pension credits under the Act respecting the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (chapter R-10), if such date is subsequent to the last day referred to above ;
(2) if the employee is eligible for a pension, on the first day the employee became so eligible, from the day or date that would have been considered if paragraph 1 had applied.