196.32. For the sole purpose of determining the existence of a surplus referred to in section 196.28 or of a deficiency referred to in section 196.31 and, if applicable, the value of such a surplus or deficiency, the pension committee must ask Retraite Québec each year to cause to be prepared by the actuaries designated by Retraite Québec an update of, as the case may be, the amended actuarial valuation prepared under the first paragraph of section 35 of the Act to foster the financial health and sustainability of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel and to amend various legislative provisions (2017, chapter 7) or the actuarial valuation prepared under the first paragraph of section 171 and subsequent to the amended actuarial valuation.
However, the committee shall not ask for an update of an actuarial valuation referred to in the first paragraph the year in which such an evaluation is prepared.
2017, c. 72017, c. 7, s. 201.