165.2.The committee may make recommendations on the application of the plans identified in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 165 to the Government, to the associations negotiating the conditions of employment of employees who are members of the plans referred to in subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the first paragraph of section 4 of the Act respecting Retraite Québec (chapter R-26.3), to the Retraite Québec and to the Minister.
165.2.The committee may make recommendations on the application of the plans identified in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 165 to the Government, to the associations negotiating the conditions of employment of employees who are members of the plans referred to in subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the first paragraph of section 4 of the Act respecting the Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d’assurances (chapter C-32.1.2), to the Retraite Québec and to the Minister.