115.2. The amount established pursuant to section 115.1 is payable in a lump sum or by instalments spread over the period and payable at the times determined by Retraite Québec or, if provided for in the employee’s conditions of employment, by using all or part of their accumulated sick leave. In the latter case, their employer shall pay all or part of the amount according to the terms determined by Retraite Québec. If it is paid by instalments, it bears interest, compounded annually, at the rate provided for in Schedule VII in force on the date on which the application is received, computed from the date on which the redemption proposal made by Retraite Québec expires.
1986, c. 44, s. 73; 1987, c. 107, s. 189; 1990, c. 87, s. 66; 2002, c. 30, s. 51; 2015, c. 20, s. 61; 2016, c. 142016, c. 14, s. 191; 2022, c. 222022, c. 22, s. 28822.