113. If an actuarial valuation shows the Commission that the contribution of the employer to a supplemental plan is more than 140% of the contribution of the employee, the latter contribution shall be increased by 1/4% per year from July 1 1973 or from a later date determined by regulation and the contribution of the employer shall be reduced by the same percentage until the contribution of the employees is equivalent to five-twelfths of the total cost of the plan or until the percentage of the contribution of the employees, taking into account the contribution to the Québec Pension Plan, reaches 61/4%.
However, if the amount of the retirement pension is established on a basis more advantageous than the average salary for the five best remunerated years or if the maximum percentage of the average salary serving as the basis of computation of the pension is greater than 70% or if the annuity is adjusted by indexing after retirement, the contribution of each employee increases by 1/4% per year until such contributions reach five-twelfths of the total cost of the plan even if the percentage of the contribution, taking account of the contribution to the Québec Pension Plan, is more than 61/4%.
Furthermore, no supplemental plan shall be amended without prior approval by the Commission and any amendment so made will be at the expense of the employees if it entails additional costs.