53.31.6. After obtaining the opinion of the Société québécoise de récupération et de recyclage, the Government may review the share of the annual compensation owed to the municipalities that is attributed to one or more materials or classes of materials.
The opinion of the Société must take into account the data the Société collects on the nature, quantity and destination of the residual materials produced in Québec, and on the costs related to their recovery and reclamation. The Société must also consult the certified bodies established under sections 53.31.9 to 53.31.11 and the Union des municipalités du Québec, the Fédération québécoise des municipalités locales et régionales (FQM) or any other body it considers appropriate.
2002, c. 59, s. 4; 2011, c. 14, s. 5.