53.31.3. The annual compensatory contribution payable corresponds to a percentage of the total of the net costs of the services provided by the municipalities in relation to the materials or a class of materials designated by the Government.
The amount of the compensatory contribution shall be determined by material or class of materials designated by the Government.
Subject to a maximum percentage fixed under section 53.31.4, the amount of the compensatory contribution is established by multiplying the percentage determined under that section by the total amount of the net costs determined under section 53.31.5 or, where applicable, section 53.31.7.
To establish the first annual compensatory contribution payable in relation to a material or a class of materials, the net costs taken into account are those borne by the municipalities in the year preceding the year in which the designation of the material or class of materials by the Government becomes effective. The amount of the compensatory contribution shall, however, be established as a proportion of the number of months elapsed since the designation.