50. Financial assistance compensating a loss of income is paid once every two weeks from the date of the health assessment. However, if a person continued, despite that assessment, to hold their employment, perform their work or assume the functions of their occupation from which they derived an income, the financial assistance is paid from the time they actually ceased to hold the employment, perform the work or assume the functions of the occupation.
Financial assistance compensating certain disabilities is paid once every two weeks from the date of the health assessment. However, if a person continued, despite that assessment, to perform the majority of their usual activities referred to in paragraph 2 of section 44, the financial assistance is paid from the time they actually ceased to perform those activities.
The amount of the payments provided for in this section is indexed, by operation of law, on the date of each annual anniversary of the date on which payments began, in the manner prescribed by a government regulation.
2021, c. 132021, c. 13, s. 50.