21. No person who is a victim is entitled to financial assistance under this Title if they were a party to the commission of the criminal offence of which they are a victim or of which a person referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 15 is a victim, or if they contributed, by committing a gross fault, to the interference with their integrity or to the death or interference with the integrity of that person, except(1) if the person who is a victim was a party to the commission of the offence or contributed, by committing a gross fault, to the interference with their integrity or to the death or interference with the integrity of another person because the person who is a victim was experiencing violence or a threat of violence; or
(2) in the case of a child under 12 years of age, an incapable child or an incapable dependant of a person who is a victim who is deceased or suffers interference with their integrity due to the commission of a criminal offence against the latter.
The spouse or close relation of a person who is a victim or the parent of a person of full age who is a victim is not entitled to any financial assistance provided for in this Title if the person who is a victim who is deceased or suffers interference with their integrity due to the commission of a criminal offence was a party to the commission of that offence or contributed, by committing a gross fault, to the interference with their integrity or to their death. However, such a spouse, close relation or parent remains eligible for financial assistance if they were experiencing violence or a threat of violence.
This section does not apply to a person who files an application due to the spousal violence or sexual violence of which they are a victim.
2021, c. 132021, c. 13, s. 21.