P-42 - Animal Health Protection Act

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2.1. The owner or custodian of an animal belonging to a species or to a category determined by regulation must, in compliance with the conditions prescribed by regulation, subject the animal or samples of its tissues, products, secretions, excreta or dejecta, or samples of its environment, to a screening test for a contagious or parasitic disease, an infectious agent or a syndrome.
1995, c. 29, s. 1; 2000, c. 40, s. 2; 2024, c. 27, s. 7.
2.1. The owner or custodian of an animal belonging to a species or to a category determined by regulation must, in compliance with the conditions prescribed by regulation, subject the animal or samples of its tissues, products, secretions, excreta or dejecta, or samples of its environment, to a screening test for a contagious or parasitic disease, an infectious agent or a syndrome designated under subparagraph a of paragraph 1 of section 3.
1995, c. 29, s. 1; 2000, c. 40, s. 2.
2.1. The owner or custodian of an animal of a category determined by regulation must, at the frequency prescribed by the regulation, submit the animal to a screening test for a contagious or parasitic disease.
1995, c. 29, s. 1.