76.0.5. For case management purposes, at any stage of a proceeding, the tribunal may decide, on its own initiative or on request, to(1) take measures to simplify or expedite the proceeding and shorten the hearing by ruling, among other things, on the advisability of ordering the consolidation or separation of proceedings, of better defining the issues in dispute, of amending the pleadings, of limiting the length of the hearing, of admitting facts or documents, of authorizing affidavits in lieu of testimony or of determining the procedure and time limit for the disclosure of exhibits and other evidence between the parties, or by convening the parties to a case management conference or a settlement conference, or encouraging them to hold discussions with a view to submitting a draft agreement to the tribunal under section 76.3;
(2) assess the purpose and usefulness of seeking expert opinion, determine the mechanics of that process and set a time limit for submission of the expert report; and
(3) rule on any special requests made by the parties, modify the case protocol or order provisional measures as it considers appropriate.