61. A program may be terminated in accordance with the conditions set out in the program.
In addition, the Minister may terminate a program prematurely without compensation where, in the Minister’s opinion, the permit holder(1) no longer has the necessary resources to perform the obligations set out in the program;
(2) no longer fulfills the conditions for the approval of a program prescribed by regulation;
(3) does not comply with the provisions of this Act or the regulations, or with the obligations incumbent upon him or it under the program;
(4) has made false or misleading statements to the Minister.
Before terminating a program, the Minister must notify the permit holder in writing as prescribed by section 5 of the Act respecting administrative justice (chapter J-3) and allow the permit holder at least ten days to present observations.
The Minister may, where urgent action is required or so as to prevent irreparable damage being caused to persons, property or the environment, terminate a program without being bound by such prior obligations.
In such a case, the permit holder may, within 10 days of being notified of the decision, present observations to the Minister for a review of the decision.