61. This Act replaces the Act respecting family assistance allowances (chapter A‐17). However, the Act respecting family assistance allowances continues to apply with regard to the payment of allowances for newborn children under sections 8 to 12.1 of that Act in respect of children who, on 30 September 1997, give or have given rise to entitlement to such allowances and in respect of children placed for adoption in a family before 1 October 1997, even if, in the latter case, the required adoption judgment has yet to be pronounced.
The provisions of sections 6 and 6.1 of the Regulation respecting family assistance allowances made by Order in Council 1498‐89 (1989, G.O. 2, 3833) pertaining to allowances for handicapped children continue to apply until the coming into force of the regulatory provisions made under the first paragraph of section 11, adapted as required, and to the extent that they are consistent with this Act.