P-15 - Summary Convictions Act

Full text
(Section 39)

Deposition of Witness

Province of Québec,
District of

Deposition of A. B. (surname, name, age and occupation of the
witness) taken before me, ............................. justice
of the peace for the district of ......................., or by
the undersigned ................................. stenographer,
duly sworn, on the ............ day of .......................,
19....., in the case of (name of the accused) accused of
(state briefly the offence), after having been duly sworn,
declares: (deposition of the witness, indicating whether the
questions are put by the prosecution, by the defence or by the


Justice of the Peace (or as the case may be)
for the district of ................
Stenographer’s Oath

Province of Québec,
District of

Before A. B., justice of the peace of the district of .......
I, the undersigned, C. D., stenographer for the district of
(name of the district) living (address of the stenographer) in
the city (or other locality, as the case may be), in the said
district, swear that I will faithfully and correctly take down
by stenography the depositions of the witnesses who will be
heard at the hearing held before A. B., justice of the peace of
the district of ..............................................,
on the ............ day of ................., one thousand nine
hundred ........................, in the case of ..............
and that the copies or transcriptions that I will furnish to
the justice of the peace or to any other persons will be a true
and exact copy of my stenographic notes. So help me God.

And I have signed, ..........................................
C. D.

Sworn before me at .........................................,
of the .......................... day of ......................
..................., 19.....


Justice of the Peace (or as the case may be)
for the district of ................
R. S. 1964, c. 35, form 13.