57. (1) Any notary may, by a notarial power of attorney en minute and for a stated period, empower a practising notary to certify copies of or extracts from his deeds or the deeds of which he is the legal depositary.
(2) Any notary in military service may give a similar power of attorney for the duration of his service; such power of attorney may be attested by two witnesses and a staff-officer of his military unit; it must be deposited among the minutes of a notary.
(3) An authentic copy of such power of attorney shall be deposited immediately in the office of the secretary of the Order.
(4) In the certificate that he affixes to the copy or extract which he delivers, the notary so empowered must mention the date and duration of his power of attorney, the name of the notary before whom it was executed or of the notary with whom it is deposited and, when such is the case, the fact of the military service of the notary who gave it.
(5) Such copies or extracts so certified are authentic, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in articles 2815, 2817 and 2820 of the Civil Code.