82. When the implementation of a joint plan or by-law or a provision of a by-law is suspended by the Board it may by order, on the conditions and for the time it prescribes:(a) entrust any person or body it designates with implementing the plan, by-law or a provision of the by-law and, if need be, replace that person or body;
(b) take possession of the assets, books, documents and other property used in implementing the plan, by-law or provision of the by-law and ensure the conservation and custody thereof or return them to the person or body it entrusts with implementing it.
From the coming into force of the order, the person or body entrusted by the Board with implementing the plan, by-law or provision of the by-law under subparagraph a shall succeed of right to the body until then entrusted with its implementation and that person or body shall have all its duties, powers and prerogatives until the Board decides otherwise.