For this purpose it may, among other things,(1) study, coordinate and propose ways of planning the conditions of production and marketing of the product;
(2) seek and propose ways of improving the production and marketing of the product;
(3) prepare, finance or administer programs of research, quality improvement, promotion, advertising or sale of the product;
(4) propose training programs and more efficient ways of producing and marketing the product to producers, buyers, any person engaged in the marketing of the product and any other intervenor;
(5) seek and develop markets for the product;
(6) make representations on behalf of the members in connection with any matter related to the production or marketing of the product;
(7) establish standards specific to the product concerned and to its display, and engage in the promotion of the product;
(8) hold, on the conditions it determines, proprietory rights to a logo or trademark to identify the product whose marketing it coordinates and subject its use to compliance with the standards established under paragraph 7.